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Major steps involved in making an online appointment booking 網上預約所需步驟:
  1. Press the 'Log In' button on the top-right corner and log-in the system by entering your personal information 於右上方按「登入」,然後輸入你的個人資料
  2. Select the appointment date and time (Note: EAA office will be closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) 選擇預約日期及時間 (註: 監管局於星期六、日及公眾假期休息)
  3. Select service type 選擇所需服務類別
  4. Press 'SAVE' and then 'Log off' 按「儲存」然後 「登出」
  5. To review the booking details, please log in and click the “user name” above the “Log Off” button 如欲查看預約詳情,請再次登入系統並點擊「登出」按鈕上方的「使用者」
  6. To change / cancel an appointment, please click the time-slot selected 更改/ 取消預約,請點擊已選之預約時段
  7. For company licensees / licence applicants, booking can be made by its licensed director or staff member 公司牌照持牌人或申請人,可由其持牌的董事 / 員工進行預約

Monday 01 May 2028

時間 網上預約/Online Booking