Be more cautious, do your homework when looking for property online


  • Online advertisements are prone to errors and inaccuracies
  • Wherever they issue advertisements, property agents are obliged to comply with all the relevant regulations and guidelines of the Estate Agents Authority

What buyers of uncompleted properties overseas from Hong Kong should do to protect their interests


  • Buying uncompleted properties overseas comes with inherent risks and buyers should seek professional advice before taking any decision
  • The Estate Agents Authority has embarked on several campaigns, introduced slogans and launched promotional videos to raise awareness

How estate agents and landlords should implement Hong Kong’s new tenancy control regime for subdivided units


  • Part IVA of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance came into effect on 22 January this year
  • As estate agents may handle tenancies relating to units that are subject to Part IVA, the Estate Agents Authority has issued a practice circular setting out the relevant guidelines for them to follow

Home buyers, sellers must let estate agents verify their ID documents to comply with anti-money-laundering, counterterrorism laws


  • Hong Kong estate agents are legally bound to identify and verify the identity of their customer when handling the sale of a property
  • Consumers should be willing to provide the necessary information to their estate agents contribute to the combat of money-laundering

What you need to know when purchasing properties with a previous deed of gift


 Potential risks include the purchasers not being able to obtain any, or sufficient, mortgage loan to complete the purchase
 Estate agents should bring the buyer’s attention to the possible risks when handling transactions involving such properties

Hong Kong property agents risk disciplinary action if the information they give clients is inaccurate


• Providing any misleading information to in order to close a deal quickly or attract consumers brings disrepute to the trade, warns EAA
• Buyers or tenants can also do their own research instead of solely relying on the information provided by the estate agents

Mortgage borrowers should seek professional advice before making a purchase decision


  • As mortgage terms are complicated, prospective buyers should not make any decision based solely on information provided by agents
  • Prospective buyers should seek direct financial advice from banks or other financial institutions

Beware of the pitfalls of buying properties with unauthorised building work or illegal alterations


  • Unauthorised building work may render the property title defective, while potentially saddling buyers with repair or remedial costs
  • Estate agents should remind both parties to seek legal advice before arranging for them to enter into a transaction

Why you should research and compare information contained in advertisements by property agents


The recent boom in the first-hand residential property market has helped contribute to an increase in the number of transactions in secondary residential properties. Media reports have shown prospective purchasers queuing up to inspect properties

Exercise care on advertisements and be alert to misrepresentation when buying first-hand residential property


  • Consumers should refer to the latest version of sales brochures and price lists published by vendors for accurate information
  • Such knowledge can help prospective buyers protect their rights, or detect potential misrepresentation by property agents